Total annihilation kingdoms iron plague
Total annihilation kingdoms iron plague

Cavedog employees were to be transferred to Humongous to work on children's titles, which have proven to be better sellers than Cavedog and GT Interactive releases by some margin. Shortly after came word that current licenses, projects and support responsibilities were to be given to GT Interactive, with Humongous continuing to support the dedicated multiplayer service, Boneyards. First came news of the cancellation of Amen: The Awakening to focus on Total Annihilation 2 - a separate project to TA:K. So, it didn't come as too great a surprise to learn that Humongous Entertainment who created, owned, and published the Cavedog brand, had decided to pull the plug.

#Total annihilation kingdoms iron plague Patch

A subsequent patch improved matters significantly, but the damage was already done and sales suffered as a consequence. All but the highest specification machines struggled to support the resource intensive graphics. But the greatest problem of all was the demanding system requirements and extensive performance issues that dogged the release. Welcome improvements and refinements to an already superb game interface were cancelled out by unnecessary simplifications. The move away from the galactic struggle between the Arm and Core to the land of Darien was tantalising but wasn't as successful in creating the total war experience. But when it arrived, TA:K met with mixed reviews. Fans were excited at the prospect of a fantasy version of the excellent Total Annihilation and expectations were high. For many, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms was one of the big disappointments of 1999.

Total annihilation kingdoms iron plague